Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Alex after a nap...not quite sure what kind of a mood he's going to be in.

Best friends holding best friends to be!

NOT a Bears fan...I don't blame him either!
5 months has gone by in a blink of an eye and all of a sudden we have a little boy who is trying his hardest to roll over (keeps getting stuck on the speed bump AKA arm), holds his head up, LOVES to laugh, examines everything - hands, dogs, books - and loves rice cereal so much he'll just sit in his highchair the whole time with his mouth wide open. It's bittersweet for us because it is amazing to watch him grow and hit all of these milestones for the first time however our little teenie tiny baby is growing way too fast.

My favorite thing about Alex: my quiet time with him...when he is all MINE. I love it when he falls asleep on my chest or when he's asleep in my arms. I find his chubby little hands and long eyelashes precious. His open mouth smile melts any bad day away.

Joey's favorite thing about Alex: When I am burping him and he holds his head up and turns it and it is literally 1 inch from my face and he smiles and puts his head in the crevice of my neck or he burps and just looks at me and smiles.

Alex took his first plane trip to Chicago in early January and he couldn't have been any better and more laid back. He amazes us. Here Joey and I were preparing for the worst and he proved us wrong. It helps to have a husband who knows where to go and what to do as well as a baby bjorn. Thank goodness for the Carlos. We also made it to Vail with some of our wonderful friends - Phil, Kelly, Uncle Shaun, and Aunt Kara. It was awesome to get away and spend a weekend with great company.

This weekend is Alex's baptism which is going to be a wonderful family celebration. Alex is honored to have the best crew possible for his God Parents - My sister Nicole and brother Mark as well as John, Amy, Jason, and Carrie. He's one lucky little boy to have so many people to look up to, talk with, hang out with, and pray with. So many people who love him and were so excited to be a part of this very important event.

January 22nd Aaron Joseph Havekost was born to Shannon and Joey. He has a FULL head of hair...more hair I've never seen on a baby before and the sweetest little face accompanied with the sweetest little facial expressions. I just know Alex and Aaron are going to love being best friends and can only imagine what trouble they are going to get into together.

Karissa - THANK you for the amazing pictures. Love and miss you both...have a great time in Greece!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Almost Four Months!!!

I have been meaning to set up a site where all of our family and extended family may read our updates and check up on my pregnancy. Well...I'm about 12 months late on that. Then I wanted to start something when Alex was first born...I'm going on about 3 1/2 months late on that however...better late than never!!!

Parenting has been the most exciting/mind blowing/fulfilling experience for Joey and I. For those who have met Alex you know he loves to sleep (thank you thank you thank you Alex) he loves to eat and he loves to be held. When we first brought him home after Joey's parents left and my parents had to go out of town...and it was just Joey and I and that's when the fear set in. Where are the nurses? Where are John and Nancy? How are we going to do this? HOLY &*%!# it's JUST us! Luckily (I feel) as if we have the best baby and the easiest transition into parenthood. We had a baby who slept through the night at 2 months, stopped crying when he was fed, wasn't colicky and started to smile very early on. Most important...he was healthy and gaining weight like a champ. One of the most defining and important conversations I had was with my sister in law Amy AKA Super Mom. I asked her if she 2nd guessed everything...doubted her decisions...worried about everything. She said - "YES YES YES Andrea...and you will for the rest of your life." With that being said I feel as if Joey and I have been able to breathe a little bit easier when it comes to bed times, routines, feedings, toys, - everything you worry, doubt, and fear when you have this little wiggling baby looking to you to provide, nourish, and care for. It's been an amazing 3 1/2 months. God has blessed us in so many ways and we feel honored to be Alex's parents.

Our first Christmas together was so special. Not only to celebrate the birth of a very special baby in Bethlehem but through the power of prayer and God's love He had chosen to keep us together as a family. It was a very special and emotional holiday for us this year. The phrase "we made it" kept going through my head. It was a whirlwind of friends, family, and hosting...we loved every minute of it and missed our Chicago family more than ever. Even more so when the announcement came Alex was going to have another cousin. (I'm sorry Carrie and Jay...but this is news we want to scream from the mountain tops of Colorado and I want to tell every single person - even those I don't know when I am out grocery shopping about the wonderful and joyful news!) Alex has already started to plan out his trip with Seven to Disney World so be prepared.

Alex smiles, coo's, squeals, and laughs all of the time now. He's absolutely amazing. I use to make fun of those who would baby talk to their kid and not understand why one would want to look and sound so stupid. Now I understand 110% you will do ANYTHING to see that smile on their faces no matter how stupid you look.

Last - a big congrats to The Bears as our household was overjoyed they beat Favre.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009